Monday, February 24, 2014

Can't Wait!

     I am so excited to begin this journey towards technology!  I am very curious on how to implement technology into my classroom, but more importantly, I want to flip my classroom completely.  I know a few teachers who have done this.  I know it is time consuming, but in the end, well worth it!
     I have worked in a school where every student had an iPad.  They were able to take them home, etc., allowing them to view notes and complete classwork.  I do not know if I would call myself an "expert," but would love to help teachers learn how to begin using technology within the classroom.  I know how scary it can be, especially with teachers who have students that have not had technology at their fingertips in a school setting.  It can be overwhelming, but we need to realize, it is very beneficial.
     Although I have used technology before, I would love to receive more ideas from my classmates on how to actually utilize the technology to its fullest extent.  I have used My Big Campus before, which is a great tool.  However, I am not the best at knowing how to create bundles and all of the extra things.  I know how to post homework assignments and give quizzes, but would love to know more!     


  1. Katrina - Do you have access to a screencasting software from a company called TechSmith called "Camtasia"? It is the "Cadilac" of screencasting software. If that is too expensive for your building/district to purchase for you, they should find a similar version called "SnagIt" more affordable. If you're interested in flipping your classroom, you'll want to secure some kind of quality screencasting software.
