Thursday, March 27, 2014

21st Century Skills

                The skills that I believe are the most crucial for students outside of the school walls are learning and innovation skills.  Students have to learn how to communication effectively, whether it be with friends or coworkers.  If a student cannot get their point across and talk in a professional way, their professional life may be affected.  Students must also learn how to collaborate with one another.  Being able to talk out a problem with a group of people is crucial in today’s society.  Students need to be creative in the ways they solve problems and deal with everyday situations.  In the professional world, businesses want workers who stand out and take initiative.  They want people who can creatively solve problems and get other coworkers involved.  The last part of this skill is the most important to me.  Students have got to learn how to think critically.  It is imperative that teachers give assignments and base projects around critical thinking skills.  There are so many problems in today’s world in which people have to think very hard about how to reach an outcome.  I have seen too many times students who cannot think “outside of the box” and this is a huge problem.
                These skills are very easily incorporated into a technology infusion plan.  Science is a subject where students normally strengthen their critical thinking skills through labs and other projects.  With the use of a tablet or computer, students could visit virtual labs or even WebQuests involving problems in the world today.  I have assigned WebQuests in my classrooms before and they are awesome!  A group of students are given a task and have a description as to the type of process they will be led through.  They have an end problem and goal they are trying to reach.  Besides that, it is pretty much a free-for-all on how they get to the end result.  This type of activity covers every part of the learning and innovation skills.  Also, students must use the internet and research crucial information to reach their goal.

                Learning and innovation skills can be assessed in many ways.  In going back to the WebQuest, I would easily be able to see how the students are working together.  Are they helping each other?  Are they reaching the end result in a creative way?  A rubric could be designed to make sure all of the skills are being put into practice.  Also, I have, in the past, given students a rubric where they grade each other, with caution, of course.  It is very common for there to be a student in the group whose peers give them a bad grade just because they got in a fight last night, or something of the sort.  In those situations, where I know the student has been working, I trump their score and give the score I believe the student deserves.  This process is also brought to the attention of every student before I pass the rubric out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Philosophy of Education

                The purpose of education can be defined in many ways.  It is always changing.  Students evolve more and more and the years go by.  They become smarter and experience more things in life.  As a teacher, I will stay ahead of the game.  I will keep up on the new technology and breakthroughs in the world of science.  I believe as teachers, we need to continue to grow and teach our students what they will need in the real world.  I will make sure they learn my content area, as well as instill core values within them.
                I believe the classroom needs to be student-driven.  More and more students are hands-on learners.  Students in my classroom will develop critical thinking skills and practice these through hands-on labs and activities.  Students will know what I expect of them and will get the job done.  Students in my classroom will also feel safe.  I know this is imperative to great student learning.
                As a teacher, I will draw the students into my content area of science.  I will do this by using hands-on activities, but more importantly, relating all of their experiences in my classroom to the real world.  I will be respectful of my students and allow them to have their own opinions and make choices.  I will not just lecture in my classroom.  I will have plenty of projects for the students to complete to help them learn the standards.
                Technology is very important in our world today.  Technology is used every day no matter where you turn.  I will implement technology into my classroom.  I will help students understand how to use it and show them how it is beneficial.  I will show this to my students by allowing them to do virtual labs.  They will see that these labs cannot be done in real life, whether it is because of the chemicals used or for lack of time.  This will show them how important technology really is, especially for educational purposes.

                I will make sure to help students enjoy learning.  They need to have fun, as well as improve their skills within the classroom.  I will motivate my students and help them grow.  As an educator, I will implement activities using all of the learning styles, making sure my students learn the material in their own individual ways.