There are three main things stakeholders need to understand when accepting technology in schools: digital citizenship, classroom management, and useful purposes of the device. Digital citizenship is a big one for students. It is very tempting for them to jump on Twitter and/or Facebook during class. They can even play games. However, educating the students on what is right and wrong is key in this process. They need to understand the importance of gaining the teacher's trust, but also trusting enough in themselves that they will stay on task.
Some people may seem classroom management as the same thing as digital citizenship. I do not. How a teacher manages their classroom is crucial in using technology in the classroom. First of all, all devices should be charged and every student should bring one to class, every day. If not, the system will fail. Teachers also need to make sure students are on task and that they have plenty to do. Every single student must be held accountable for their actions. If not, their classroom will be a mess!
Lastly, the stakeholders need to understand the importance of technology in each subject area. In science, students will be able to conduct dangerous virtual labs that they otherwise would not be able to do in the classroom, due to corrosive chemicals. Students will be able to take a picture of a river and mark the distance between that landmark and a specific type of plant. The uses go on and on.